Camp Nominingue is a traditional English summer camp for boys, located in the northern Laurentians. It offers a variety of activities and programs, including orienteering, canoe tripping, and archery. Boys are grouped by age and can select their preferred programs. Afternoons and evenings feature section-based activities and all-camp games involving campers of all ages. Campers can also participate in wilderness canoe trips and a Leaders-in-Training program for 16-year-olds. The camp emphasizes a safe and fun environment for developing new skills and independence.
Instruction choices
Campers choose two instructions per week, with one-hour sessions each morning. They receive a Feather Shield, where they can add feathers representing skill levels achieved in various instructions. Eight-day program campers don’t choose instructions but are introduced to various activities, with opportunities to try others outside the instruction program.

Wilderness Canoe Tripping

Archery & Riflery

Basketball, Soccer & Lacrose

Campcraft & Outdoor Cooking

Canoeing & Kayaking


Crafts & the Craftshop / Woodworking


Mountain Biking



Sailing & Windsurfing

Swimming & Lifesaving


Theatre / Musical Performance
The only exception is for boys enrolled in the 8-day program, who will not choose their instruction activities. These campers will be introduced to a number of different activities, including campcraft, outdoor cooking, canoeing, orienteering and nature during their week at camp. Outside of the instruction program, boys enrolled in the 8-day program will have the opportunity to try some of these other activities, such as archery.