At Nominingue, we have a 1:3, staff: camper ratio. This ratio is part of the effort we make to ensure that your son’s experience at Nominingue is positive and happy. For our youngest campers and frequently for campers up to 12 years of age, each tent group of 5 campers will be supervised by a counsellor and a junior counsellor. Most of our counsellors have previously been campers or staff at Nominingue. They know the Nominingue program and we have gotten to know them quite well. All of our counsellors over the age of 18 must also complete a police background check, as a further measure to ensure the safety of your son.

On the waterfront, a counsellor with National Lifeguard certification will supervise all activities, from free swim to sailing and windsurfing. They will be supported by additional staff members with their Bronze Cross or Bronze Medallion certifications.
In our dining room, most of the campers sit with their tent group and their counsellors. Each camper is served by a staff member at their table. When a camper is not eating, his counsellor is the first to know. One task for the counsellor is to encourage each camper to eat a balanced diet.
We are an accredited camp that has been thoroughly examined by an experienced camp professional, using an extensive set of standards and requirements. Camp Nominingue receives this accreditation from both the Quebec and Ontario Camp Associations. This accreditation is just another way that Nominingue works to ensure the best possible care for your son.
Our well-equipped infirmary is open 24-hours-day and is staffed with one head nurse and two caring first-aiders. Usually, there is a doctor on site throughout the summer while there are campers at camp. Clinics are held three times a day for medication dispensing. A general hospital with an emergency room is located a 15 minute drive away.
For Canadian citizens, all medical services are covered by the Canadian Medicare systems, whether the service is provided at camp or at the local hospital. It is therefore necessary to have each camper’s Canadian Health Care number, including an expiry date, on file at Camp.
Campers from outside Canada will be charged for the purchase of emergency medical insurance unless he has private medical insurance. This insurance will cover the cost of services rendered by the Camp doctor, for the purchase of any prescriptions and for treatment at the hospital, such as an x-ray. In 2016, the cost of this insurance was $3.50/day.
If a camper from outside Canada has private insurance, the purchase of emergency medical insurance is unnecessary. Medical services provided by the camp doctor will be charged to a camper’s account. Any charges incurred outside of camp (if a trip is made to the local hospital for example) will be charged to your credit card. All medical attention received by the camper will be documented and the bills will be forwarded to you with the final statement.
If you prefer using your own private insurance, please complete the Campers with Private Insurance form.