This summer, our two visitors’ days will take place on Saturday, July 15th and Saturday, August 12th, from 10:30 am until 3:30 pm.
We ask you to confine your visits to these two days between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Please make sure that your son knows if or when you will be visiting. This will help to avoid any unsettling disappointments or surprises. You should write to him or you may phone or email us and we will pass on the message.
For parents of campers who are completing an 8-day or a 15-day session, you are welcome to arrive any time after 10:30 am to pick up your son and to spend the day at camp.
For parents of campers arriving at camp to start a 12-day session, you are welcome to arrive at any time between 10:30 am and 3:30 pm. You will have ample time to see the camp in action and to get your son settled in his tent. Please do not leave until 3:30 PM because your son’s counsellor will be involved in the program elsewhere until that time.
For parents of campers in 19-day, 26-day or longer sessions, you are welcome to arrive for visitor’s day at any time after 10:30 am.
If your son is scheduled to be on a 10-day canoe trip over visitors’ day, we will contact you via e-mail to let you know that your son will not be at camp on that day.
You are welcome to join us in the Dining Hall immediately when the gong sounds at 12:20 p.m. There is no charge for a camper’s immediate family. You may choose to bring a picnic lunch and have your son join you on Picnic Beach where there are picnic tables for your use. The near-by Campcraft Area is another picnic site where there is also a drinking-water tap. Another alternative is to take your son out of Camp for lunch. We ask you to inform the Business Office if you choose to take your son out of camp. Please do not take campers other than your sons out of Camp unless you have written permission from their parents.
On this day, campers and parents have the option of participating in the program, of taking advantage of the facilities or simply relaxing. Please feel free to join in the program in the afternoon or to wander about the Camp.
A typical visitors’ day
Time | Activity |
11:00-12:00 PM | Free swimming, and boating in prescribed areas |
12:30-1:30 PM | Lunch |
2:00 PM | War Canoe Race |
2:15-3:30 PM | Carnival, Free Swim, Boating- canoeing, kayaking, sailing, windsurfing |

Buses will be arriving with new campers and a special program for the campers is planned for 4:00 PM, so parents are required to plan their departure before this time.
You may choose to bring extra food on this day for your son, but we ask that you limit the food you bring to that which can be consumed during your visit. You might also consider a non-edible treat such as a baseball glove, a new fishing lure or a favourite magazine.
We have found from past experience that large gifts of food can result in loss of appetite at meal time; problems with squirrels, chipmunks and raccoons; and an increase in litter. Please bear in mind that we prohibit all snack foods and drinks from the camp tent line area.
Please do not bring the family dog to camp. We like dogs, but, sad to say, in large numbers on visiting days they are a nuisance no matter how well trained they may be. The one or two staff-owned dogs are always tethered out of sight on these days.
We look forward to seeing you up at camp this summer!