There is no doubt that there are a lot more summer options for boys aged 7-16 in 2020 than existed in 1950 or 1990. We still believe that a traditional summer camp experience provides an essential experience that will contribute to a child’s self-esteem and the growth of his sense of independence.
At Nominingue, campers live in tents. From their arrival to the time of their departure, campers are immersed in a beautiful natural setting. Cell phones, I-pods and computer screens get left at home for one, two, three weeks or more and campers have the opportunity to re-connect with nature and to forge friendships, without the interference of technology.

At Nominingue, we believe strongly that self-esteem and confidence grow as boys learn new skills and develop skills that have been learned previously. Our instruction program offers training in a number of outdoor, life skills. For every instruction, there are various levels that are age appropriate and tailored to the skills of the campers that come to Camp. Each camper has to choose their instructions each week, ensuring that boys are interested and excited about the instruction they take.
At Nominingue, we believe in the importance of choice in the development of independence among children. In addition to choosing their instructions, campers choose whether to go on a canoe trip. Frequently, campers will have also have a choice of afternoon or evening programs. Twice a day, at morning and afternoon free swims, campers will have a choice as to how they spend their free time: swimming, sailing, playing tennis, working on a project at the craftshop, playing a quiet game of chess in the tent line, a competitive game of tether ball or simply reading a good book.
It would be highly unusual for a family cottage to offer the wide variety of activities, games and canoe trips that one finds at Camp Nominingue. Life at Nominingue is unique in that it is a 24-hour-a-day program planned specifically for boys by our large professional and highly qualified staff.